
Megaman SOLO - Ch. 9 script

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Trigger Meets Tron!?

A young woman was walking to the supermarket with her son. They were having a good time. It seemed that nothing could ruin a day like this. Absolutely nothing.

TRON: Alright Anthony, mommy's going to need your help for this. Stay close to me, ok?

ANTHONY: Yes mom.

The two went in the store and got to work. Outside, Trigger was watching them and waiting. Since he met Robert at the bar, he seemed to have gained a new sense of courage. He heads into the store hoping to confront her.

TRON: Anthony, I'll take care of getting cereal. Can you head to aisle two and get some veggies?

ANTHONY: Mom, do I have to?

TRON: Yes Anthony. You need veggies to make sure that your IQ gets stronger. Now go get them… please.

Anthony took a deep breath and nodded.

ANTHONY: Okay mom, I'll do it.

He went off to another aisle leaving his mother to take care of some groceries. While she's busy, Trigger appears ready to face her. He gulps but wasn't afraid to go for it.

TRIGGER: Hey! What brings you here?

Tron turns to find Trigger in a serious state. She has no idea what's going on with him.

TRON: Excuse me but… do I know you?

TRIGGER: Oh you do know me. What brings you around a place like this? Shouldn't you be hanging out with Zero or something?

TRON: Zero? I don't know what you're talking about but you got the wrong girl. I'm right now with my son getting groceries.

TRIGGER: Y-your son?

Trigger was shocked to find that Tron had a child. Her son came by to see Trigger and had a look of amazement.

ANTHONY: I'm here mom… oh my god! It's you… Mega Man Trigger! I can't believe I finally got to meet you!

TRIGGER: Huh? Who are you? How do you know me?

ANTHONY: Dad told me all about you especially since I own this.

He takes out his Nintendo 3DS and shows him a copy of Mega Man Legends 3. Trigger can only look in shock to find out that someone actually owns a copy of the game… a game that has been cancelled in the real world. All of this is making him wonder.

TRIGGER: How can you have this? The game's been cancelled!

ANTHONY: Cancelled? That's nonsense. Since my dad is a hero, they were able to make video games based on him. But this game is by far the best.

He puts the game and his 3DS away as Trigger then put his attention on Tron who is confused by this.

TRIGGER: Who are you? You're not the Tron I know… the one I envy and hate. You seem a bit too kind. Who are you?

ANTHONY: That's my mom you're talking to. Just wait till my dad gets here.

TRON: Anthony, enough. Wait for me outside.

Anthony nods and he leaves the supermarket. Tron went closer to Trigger and was ready to express her mind.

TRON: I've heard all about you from my husband. I know you are down in the dumps but this isn't going to help you one bit. I know you are still angry at my "other self" because she became more popular than you… but I feel your jealousy will only lead to something you'll regret.

TRIGGER: How do you know all this? Sure, I'm jealous of her because she ends up in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 along with Zero but CAPCOM had to go in and deny me my dreams! That makes me mad… but then he showed up. He told me that I should do something about it but I don't know how. CAPCOM won't listen to me and they won't listen to the others. They don't care about us… selfish bastards!

TRON: I know you're angry… I really do.

TRIGGER: What would you know? You end up being popular in the fighting games while the rest of us end up struggling. CAPCOM shattered my dreams of coming home and now I'll never get to be with my family again. Never!

Tron let off a sigh but then someone came in and decided to set things straight once and for all.

ROBERT: Really now? I never thought you'd still be angry after our little chat at the bar.

Trigger turns to find Robert Light in a suit and very irritated. Mostly it's due to him having to deal with college students, which are a pain. Tron comes to him and the two share a kiss. Robert nodded at Tron ready to take over.

ROBERT: We meet again Trigger. Tell me, you feel any better?

TRIGGER: I do. I'm still thinking about what you said to me the day before. But when I saw her, it all changed. I'm still angry that Tron and Zero move on to better things and all that but…

ROBERT: Just forget about that. That isn't important right now. What's important is that you need to get your goddamn ass out of your depression and do something. You need to find a way to tell everyone that Legends Never Die.

TRIGGER: And how do I do that?

ROBERT: You can leave things to me. I can tell you met my son Anthony.

TRIGGER: Yeah. He looks like you.

ROBERT: Figures as much. Anyway, I encountered your version of Tron and boy she wanted to pick a fight with me.

TRIGGER: What happened?

ROBERT: Let's see… I took her on, beaten her and reduced her Gustaff to shreds.

TRIGGER: You what?

Maybe Robert shouldn't have said something like that. Hearing it made him wonder about this.

ROBERT: Yeah. It reminded me of the time where I dealt with my Tron though it had me save her and her siblings from Lex Loath and Glyde. I can go on and on but it would take up a lot of time.

TRIGGER: Where are you going?

ROBERT: I'm heading to my wife and kid. They need me and plus, I'm exhausted. I'll see you later. Oh… one more thing.


ROBERT: You may want to talk to your Tron. After the fight, I told her that you were still mad at all of this and you want to know what she said.

Trigger nodded as Robert explained.

ROBERT: She really cares for you. She don't mean anything bad in the beginning… none of them knew that you would end up getting the short straw with Legends 3 being cancelled. If you were in my world, you would have no idea how respected you and everyone else are. Trust me, I know because I made it happen. So if I were you, talk to her... for my sake.

TRIGGER: (breathes heavily) All right… I'll do it. I may still be envious of her because she and Zero got into MvC3 but I'm doing this for your sake.

ROBERT: Good. Till we meet again.

ANTHONY: Come on dad, let's head home. I want to head to Teisel's comic shop so I can get my Fluttershy figure.

ROBERT: Calm down, Anthony.

Trigger saw Robert head off home to New Light City with his family. He may have a valid point but he has to do something. However, he feels that Robert may be worth of inheriting the title of "Mega Man".

TRIGGER: I got to find Tron… but first, I need to find the others. He truly is deserving of the title.

Trigger left the supermarket and went off. He hopes to find Tron and set things right for his sake. Though it may not be easy, he has to do it so he can hopefully spread his voice and tell the world that Legends 3 is needed for the fans… Legends never die after all.
Here's the ninth chapter of Megaman SOLO.

Okay, before I begin... I want to address a few things. Trigger meets Tron but it's Tron Bonne from the Reawakened Universe. Robert and Tron's son, Anthony makes an appearance. Also, since Legends 3 is cancelled in the real world, I wanted to put the thesis that in the Reawakened Universe, Legends 3 came and went. This universe is something I created where Mega Man is revered and respected. Hell, in that world Robert aka Megaman-RA becomes a playable character in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Goes to show that I want to do whatever I can to give the Blue Bomber the respect it deserves.

Anyway, I've had enough so if you like it, leave a comment.
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XERW's avatar
Last paragraph really nailed me - someone should shove this script to capcom's R&D team!